Çerez Örnek


Ege University İzmir Research and Application Center Regulation, which was accepted at the session of the Higher Education Council dated 24th of June 1993 with the proposal of the Ege University Senate, took effect after being published in the Official Gazette on the date 23rd of September 1993. On the 09th of August 1993, Prof. Dr Rahmi Hüseyin ÜNAL was appointed as the Director, and on the 24th of September 1993 by Prof. Dr İlhan KAYAN was appointed as a Deputy Director.

Ege University İzmir Research and Application Center, which held its first meeting on the 02nd of November 1993, consists of Director Prof. Dr Rahmi Hüseyin ÜNAL, Deputy Director Prof. Dr İlhan KAYAN, Prof. Dr Tuncer BAYKARA, Prof. Dr Önal SAYIN, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ersin DOĞER and Melih GÜRSOY.

Prof. Dr Tülin BUMIN, Assoc. Prof. Dr Sezen ZEYTİNOGLU, Assoc. Prof. Dr İbrahim DÖNMEZER, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ö. Faruk HUYUGÜZEL, Assist. Prof. Dr Füsun SOYKAN, Assist. Prof Dr Atilla SİLKÜ and Lecturer Dr Mümtaz PEKER were appointed as advisory board members on the 22nd of December 1993 by the Dean of the Faculty of Letters of Ege University.

Ord. Prof. Dr. Ekrem AKURGAL, Prof. Dr. Rauf BEYRU, Prof. Dr. Cinar ATAY, Assoc. Prof. Dr Gürhan TÜMER and Hüseyin TÜRKMENOĞLU were elected as advisory board members with the decision of the board of directors. The Advisory Board held its first meeting on the 18th of January 1994.

Prof. Dr Necmi ÜLKER was appointed to the Izmir Research and Application Center Directorate on the 11th of July 1995. On 15th of November 1995, Deputy Director Prof. Dr. Asaf KOÇMAN, Prof. Dr. Tuncer BAYKARA, Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk HUYUGÜZEL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersin DOĞER and Melih GÜRSOY were appointed.

To the Central Directorate on the 09th of July 1998, Prof. Dr Necmi ÜLKER was reassigned. On 07th of December 2000, Prof. Dr Ömer Faruk HUYUGÜZEL, Prof. Dr Ercan TATLIDİL, Prof. Dr İlçin ASLANBOGA, Assoc. Dr Mustafa MUTLUER, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Vehbi GÜNAY and Ali ÖZBAŞ were appointed. The new board of directors held its first meeting on 24th January 2001.



Ege Üniversitesi